Monday, May 29, 2006

aihz... its like .... late mornin bored....haha as usual leh... well since got nothing to write i will write bout my couzie couz Ashley..well...ermm hehe im blur now... but nvm this is about her or wateva she does or ermm.. aiya wateva la... :

  • she`s a nice person lol... -.-
  • hmm a type which is talkative.. haha
  • she`s a good couz to me..( so far da best couz)
  • hmm...kinda person... and also caring...
  • hmm for me she`s a bit chubby(i like to pinch her cheeks *virtually*)
  • well hates sko0l.. haha who doesn`t
  • laughs quite alot (psst pstt... BWARE of her contagious laughter. kinda...)
haaha o well dats all about her...well ermm whoever dunno her u shud get to know her..ok days all ciaoz. =)

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