Friday, May 12, 2006

----->Haha well this is my 1st blog!!!!!OK...well... this was how hmm around 13 May went like.. yeah ... well i wudnt even make this unless im not playing my game... but since im so bored i juz made this...haha... well... this is juz a very short one well.. when ur bored u will find somethin to do like blogging .....haha exam is coming ... and lol...Geo. will make all of us die... we r so dead when exam comes ai... Guess Wat!!! Exam=20th May and we only have around 2 or 3 more lessons for Geo and we have 1 more Bab to cover! wow amazing isnt it? haha....teacher o teacher have mercy on me.... lol.... i dun wanna get low marks... haha lol... this is my state now....

-----------------------> How r u ?
I`m bad thank you,
How stress are u?
100% stress boooohoooo =/.......
o wellz.... nothing to do >.<".... lol

1 comment:

ash C. said...

hey..haha..sorry lor..not yet do your skin...okok..i'll get right to it now..then u just copy ok..wakakaka...